Gromet's PlazaMachine Stories


by S M Ackerman

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© Copyright 2010 - S M Ackerman - Used by permission

Storycodes: M2f; cryogenics; sci-fi; transmogrification; robotics; bond; bdsm; nc; XX

Robot-dominatrix, The Beginning.

Year 2197 AD.

Towards the end of the twenty-first century, society as we know it has been so modified that death as a punishment for serious crime had been outlawed. I am one of those that should have benefited; I am a serial killer at least in the eyes of society!

I, in my own eyes am a victim turned into a vigilante, at worst I am a seeker of revenge upon those that have used and abused me. I do not try to moralise my position! I will not accept the claim that the people I have killed, each and everyone of them, did not deserve to meet their death.

Horrible as society now deems my action I accept openly that I killed them all, five in total and all from the same street gang! I admit I took their lives and destroyed them, the problem for our judicial system is the fact that I have no regrets!

I have undergone every test the doctors can invent, and all, every single one of them, states clearly that I am normal, I am not mentally ill, only unrestricted!

They (the doctors) state to the courts that I am nothing more than a killer, that I killed those that deserved to be killed, because the courts would do nothing about them! Therefore there is no-way that the courts can inflict anything but total incarceration on me! They know this, as do I! I accept my fate and that as far as I am concerned is that.

As I have said, they will not put an end to my life for my crimes, they will instead ensure that I am permanently placed in a form of cryo-sleep, and there contained indefinitely. A living death, but one I should know little about, and that is justice in the eyes of the courts of twenty-one-ninety seven!

Year 2313 AD.

Cryo-Sleep interruption. Subject re-allocation. Function: Human Life Model Reallocation. Level 3. Subjection Service. State Allocation Cryo-Pod 6754. Subject: condition red failure. Alert level 2, recovery in progress notification. Clearance, Beta Gamma 6754.

I was born Rodney Ferries, sex male. Life unremarkable until offence committed. Sentence, indefinite suspension of function! I was to die as Rodney Ferries and be reconstructed to become Service Attendant Social-Sexual. Sex, female. Name allocation, Melissa 23.

My life was placed into the control of a machine, my death occurred whilst the machine attempted to re-animate my body. The machine failed, I died, but then programming took over.

The machine is programmed not to waste anything, it controls every aspect at a bio-genetic level, and the death of one of the interned, contradicts its programming! Reviving a sentenced criminal also contradicts its programming! So the machine opts for the next available logical action. It uses my remains and creates a new life form, ie me, Melissa 23. It then allocates a useful function, in my case Sexual Assistant or slave as I prefer to think of it. Whatever components of my previous body are unusable, defective, or contradict its prime directive of retaining a prisoner, it discards! What is left it processes and adds to with mechanical units, thus I am no longer fully Human, nor am I Robotic, I am a hybrid of both, a semi human, a creation with no rights and subjected to control and allocation by the system, a worker, a functioning creature with only one aim in life, to serve, forever...

My life expectancy is indefinite, I can be repaired and reanimated repeatedly, I do not age, do not grow sick, I do nothing but obey the needs of my masters, and those needs are horrendous to me, because though I have a fully functioning female body, the essence of myself is still Human.

Daily I am plugged into the matrix and programmed, daily my mind is filled with a wide and sometimes disgusting set of desires, and daily each and every one of those desires is fulfilled by me.

I serve and am used then forgotten, the client or master pays for my service, he or she selects my function, and then my system is switched into that mode, and I comply!

Deep and hidden in my mind there is revulsion and shock, but my body responds to each program, and my limited thoughts are left ignored to suffer. I live in a living hell, totally helpless and beyond care.

* * * * *

I woke in a dark place, my mind feels groggy and confused, I try to sit up but find that I can’t! I am chained to some sort of table, I can feel the grip on my ankles now, my feet are spread apart, my legs have a band around my thighs, and as feeling and awareness increases up my body I added each level of my bondage to my conscious.

I am awake; the last thing I remember was being contained and then filled with the fear of drowning. I scream as realisation of my situation explodes into my thoughts. My scream causes a door to open and three white coated people and one suited male to enter into the room in which I am contained.

“So finally she wakes!” said the suited male.

“Much as predicted sir!” said white-coat in reply.

I tried to scream again, I felt the effort build, the air explode from my lungs, but no sound accompanied my effort! White coat was pointing a small device at me.

“That should keep her quiet for a while, she needs time to re-boot her memories and down load her overlays, before she can be put to useful work again!”

That was how I re-entered the world of the living, and from that moment onwards my life has been a constant living nightmare!

A man stood in front of me holding a whip, he looked determined and ready to hurt me, and I wanted him to. I looked at the whip and longed to feel its tendrils kiss my flesh.

“Stand slut!”

I stood, my arms fell to my sides I could not lift them they were as effectively fixed in place as if they had been bound, my feet were together and that is how the first encounter with my clients occurred, I obeyed their every whim, whenever I tried to rebel my body imposed obedience!

Frequently I felt ropes tighten and I always knew that they should not hold me, as I could feel the power roaming through my half mechanical body, but whenever I tried to oppose an instruction, I felt locked and held and if I continued to disobey, pain began slowly and built until I was forced to do exactly what I had been instructed. The pain I soon learned occurred with any level of disobedience, and with each act of rebellion it starts a little higher on the scale.

The time a client wanted me to provide oral stimulation for him and I did not want to, the pain level in my head exploded, felling me to the floor, making me clutch at my temples in an attempt to ease my suffering. I am ashamed to admit that I did indeed provide him with every level of relief that he wanted and much more, I did oppose his instructions but only in my thoughts, in my deeds I complied fully!

When he left the doctors returned, my arms froze, my limbs snapped to attention as they closed in on me. I wanted to escape, to push past them and run, but nothing I tried to do, would happen. I realise that my living-self is controlled totally by my mechanical self. I have no effective level of self will.

Uploading program, commence!

My mind turned black, nothing around me registered, my hearing ceased functioning, I could not move or talk or resist! Thoughts filled my brain, information flooded into me, deadly information. Suddenly I understood the world I reside in, the fear, the pain of the populous and the need to supply an outlet for the more base or unacceptable emotions of this tightly controlled society. My body has been modified to take all and any abuse that paying clients wished to gift me with. The doctors have inhibitor control over my reactions, if I disobey then I suffer pain, the more disobedience, the more pain, a simple expedient level of control.

Physically I am far stronger than the clients, my new body is capable of immense power delivery, I am a machine with a mind, but a controlled mind. I thought about trying to escape, to use my body as a weapon and leave this place, the walls around me are not capable of holding me, the chains they bind me with should snap as easily as cotton thread, if only I did not find myself restricted by the mental cage like instruction. Obey or suffer, but that is not enough to restrain me I hope. Some day I will break free and then death will reside where lust has lived.


My life is filled with daily abuse, all in the name of pleasure for the clients, today, though I do not know it, I will change my life!

The client had visited and used me before, he liked to chain girls like me up and take an electric whip to their bodies, he liked to listen to their screams and watch their flesh part, today he chose me for his pleasure, today some will die!


I stood naked before him as the day that I was made.

“Raise your arms!”

I raised my arms, reaching up to the hanging chains, with their metal cuffs, knowing that he intended to lock my wrists. He reached up and with a snap engaged first the left, then the right wrist cuff. He knelt at my feet locking more chains to each ankle. A single kick out, a gently boot and I could snap his neck like a match, but when I tried, pain exploded throughout my body, just as it always does when I resist in anyway.

He stood reaching out for a remote control device, the chains reacted, pulled by a winch, my feet were dragged from beneath me and elevated turning my body to the horizontal. All of my weight is now supported by the chains and my own extreme grossly heightened strength. I could feel my spine bowing down towards the floor, I tensed slightly straightening it.

He placed his hand on my lower back and pushed down, nothing happened, he added his other hand and pushed again, still nothing happened! He could not bend my body, much as the scientists had failed to bend my mind! He jumped up sitting on my back using his body weight in the hope of inflicting excruciating pain to my spine. Again he failed! My body is not that of a weak and feeble human, it is far beyond any human, no matter how fit or developed that human may be.

Dismounted from me he picked up his whip from a side table, the first lash hit my hips, the second and third my thighs, and then he lashed me in a torrent of frustration driven strokes. Agony exploded but still my body remained exactly how he had winched it, I was determined not to show the pain he was causing, he was equally determined to break my resistance, and so the battle of two wills continued.

My flesh parted as his whip cut deep gashes in my skin, but with no other effect, his pleasure was being denied to him by me, a machine, a woman, how dare I, he must be thinking. I dared because I had a reason, a plan which might lead to my freedom!

I generated frustration in him at not being able to incite a reaction from me, a reaction from me which would feed and satiate his sexual urge to torment and torture me, his frustration with me increased exponentially to my silence. The whip he replaced with canes and then cattle prods! I reacted to each, but never in a satisfactory way.

He began to suspect that my inhibitors were working just a little too effectively, and through them, and in conjunction with my artificial additions, I could take far more punishment that even he could dish out! Once he realised that I am mechanically tougher than he thought, it would not be long I reasoned, before he worked out that if her reduced my control threshold, then my compliance to his whims, and in particular his ability to inflict pain on my body, would increase.

What he did not realise is that it is those same restrictions that stop me snapping my bonds like matchwood, and killing him where he stands! I wait and hope, and yes he acts exactly as I desire and expect of him.

I feel the release as he switches my control levels down. I feel the power my mechanically aided body contains, my thoughts clear allowing me to plan more effectively. To interpret my anger and desire in a more active, but controlled way! Soon he will lower them a little more, all I have to do is convince him that they my controls are still set too high for his pleasure!

To do this all I need to do is continue to deny him my reactions and thus him his pleasure, only now I am feeling each stroke or prod against my body with far more clarity, and suffering greatly! I bite my lip, grind my teeth, struggling to concentrate, to live through the pain he is inflicting on my body. I take his every infliction, accepting his agony, suffer through his torment and smile at him once he has spent his load.

He looks so different now that the desire to torment me has faded from his face, though he is by no means attractive to me, for I have suffered through his torturing of my body not for his pleasure, but to please my own hidden desires. Still there is a level of peace in his face which looks quite attractive on him, certainly better than the vaguely concealed anger of earlier! I have satisfied my last customer, he kisses me gently to my horror before departing, he has taken his monies worth out of my hide and now I am just a pleasant memory to him.

My head rose as I heard the familiar sound of the door opening. Now is the moment I have been waiting for, now is my time for revenge. I snap the chains that bind me, my enhanced now unrestricted limbs pulling then apart like they were made of cotton weave from my time. I am free, and death is to follow. I kill the scientists that have created me in an instant of uncontrolled fury, then swiftly I depart the containment of the lab. Any that blocked my way died instantly! My strength is irresistible to them, even their weapons failed to slow my progress, because they were created to control the already subjected bio-entities, and my subjection had been removed fully once I was able to reach the controls.

Now-a-days I live once again as free citizen, though un-labelled or documented. For a while to be able to eat I stole or if I was in the mood fucked! A year on from my escape things have changed, it is I that dish out the pain to clients now, not I that receives it from them to satisfy their lusts! I am still, I presume, hunted, and always will be I believe, but of the lab and the computers there is nothing left! I do not know whether other documents exist relating to me, or if other files of my reanimation and creation still reside in other computers, but I am now beyond their reach, always living and moving on frequently, finding and satisfying those male and female citizens in need of punishment and pain, and using my enhanced body to inflict it on them, and they pay me so well for my unique attention!

I am known to my clients as the Robo-dominatrix! ‘She who better be obeyed!’ My original name I have long forgotten, as I have no use for it, nor do I ever want reminding of the man I used to be so many years ago. Today I provide a services that the pathetic citizens of this world desperately need, my client list contains names both great and small, but always desperate! I am free, alive and control my own destiny, my past is just that, past.

I have once again become a useful productive member of a society, and I will continue to produce both cash for myself and screams for my clients for as long as I function…

The End.


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